Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Looking for Soursop Seeds? ( Semillas de Guanabana)

I was just thinking of getting some soursop seeds from a friend of mine that live in South Florida. I just want to let you
know, if anybody that live in Central Florida, who want to start their growing of soursop, let me know. I am waiting for my friend to let me know when it is time for her soursop tree to fruit, which I believe is sometime in summer and them I will get the soursop seed. I do not want to promise for sure I will have it, but I will do my best to get some and pass it along. I think is wonderful to plant seed specially of fruit that you really enjoy it.

Soursop (Guanabana)

I just following and observing my soursop seeds and plants, they are looking wonderful and beautiful. All my soursop plants have two leaves and the one with the seed stuck is pushing out two leaves, see picture, I hope they really continuing growing, I always leave them in full sun and watering almost every day or every other day. I really think during the summer is going to be a wonderful weather for them to continuing growing, but I have to figure out for winter how I am going to continuing taking care of them. Also another detail when it rains a lot, like it does here in Florida, leave the soursop (Guanabana) outside, expose to rain, they really like rainy days and sunny days. I hope you enjoy the progress of my soursop (Guanabana) like I do!!

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Soursop First Leaves (Primeras Hojas de Guanabana)

My baby soursop plant it is showing first leaves, it so beautiful to see process of nature. I am going to share some pictures of my soursop plant in first stages. First I noticed a stick curl in the soil and then the stick stand up and now I see two leaves showing and the end of stick also I noticed colors are a little brown and then turn light green. It take like a week since a saw curl stick in soil to first leaf showing, it is growing very fast. One thing that I did was placing soursop seeds and plants in full sun, I thought that soursop comes from tropical weather it may like full sun and a lot of water. I am going to try to share all the progress of my baby soursop plant. Thanks for looking!!

Friday, May 10, 2013

Soursop Seed (Semillas de Guanabana)

I am so excited with my soursop seeds also call guanabana or graviola seeds, that I have to share with the world. My mother gave me six soursop seed and I decided to plant it just for fun, I never planted  soursop seed before, I planted it and after 3 weeks I went in check my soursop seeds and I noticed they were germinating...I was so excited. I was kind of skeptical with planting the soursop seed because I live in Central Florida and I understand only in south Florida the soursop seed and trees survived. Also my mom planted some soursop seed before and never germinated. I took a series of pictures of the beginning of my seed, I hope you enjoy it like I did.
I have read the soursop fruit has some of cancer prevention benefits and a lot of vitamin C,B1 and B12, I would love to someday have a soursop tree and my backyard and do some smoothies and enjoy the delicious fruit like I did when I was a little girl.
Soursop seed germinated

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Florida Wild Birds

One thing I like about Florida is the wild birds, I do not have to go to far to find them, I find it everywhere in front of my house, in my backyard, during my morning walk. Florida has birds during the whole year. I really appreciate the beauty of nature, specially birds.I did some research about birds in my pictures and I found out that turkey is called Osceola, name was given after Seminole indian chief Osceola, also Osceola turkey is found only in the Florida peninsula no where else in the world, there is more than 80,000.00 turkeys living in Florida. The Osceola turkey I found is a male, because of beautiful color, like dark brown. Two black birds on pictures are Black Vultures, which are meat eaters, I found them eating trash. Vultures are related to storks. Black Vultures are the smaller of the two vultures found in Florida.My third picture bird is a Cardinal, actually is a female cardinal, she comes to my back yard every day, she has only a red peak, male cardinal is bright red, also come by everyday. I hear their whistle every morning. I found out they do not migrate birds, cardinals eat seeds, fruit and insects. Cardinals create different melodies and only male has red plumage which help with a mating success.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Me and Florida Blog

 I have live in Florida for 21 years and it had been wonderful. Living in Florida for so many years I have realized how wonderful my state is. I decided to create this blog to share photos, places and more about Florida. Also about my self and my experience in the Sunshine State and also personal interest such as hobbies, healthy leaving, beauty and more.